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You can rent this space

Suppose you are a life coach and want a platform to book coaching sessions and promote your coaching niche. You can rent this space to coach your clients without the hassle that goes into registering and becoming an LLC. 



Be your own boss

Become your own boss without the hassle of dealing with all the things that go into building a business. 


worry free

Not worrying about franchise tax is one of the fun ways you will enjoy renting space here on this platform. 



Work anywhere at anytime 

You will have access to the booking calendar to set up sessions with your clients.  Your client will be able to book a session with you when they come to this site. You will also be able to promote yourself on this platform to draw in potential clients. 


you set your own prices

Your clients are just that, "Your Clients."

You set the prices for your services.  Your clients will pay you directly.  If you get referrals from Imaging Coaching LLC, you will pay a 5% referral fee to Imaging Coaching LLC.  If you get a referral from a team member, you and the team member will negotiate your own referral fees. 


When you rent space on this site...


  • You will become a Team Member


  • You will have access to the Booking Calendar


  • You will have access to Upload Promotional Content


  • You can receive Stress Management Coaching Services if needed


  • You will receive a copy of A'laila' Book "The Stress Eliminator"


  • You will Be Your Own Boss


  • Make, Set, Edit, & Cancel your Own Coaching Sessions



Imaging Coaching is Hiring Independent Life Coaches

Become your own boss without the hassle of dealing with all the things that go into building a Coaching Business. Not worrying about franchise tax is one of the fun ways you will enjoy renting space on the Imaging Coaching platform.


You will need to have your own clientele

Pay a monthly rental fee to rent space to coach your clients

You will have the flexibilities to provide your clients with the coaching they need while coaching them in a professional environment

You will have access to the booking calendar to set up sessions with your clients. Your client will be able to book sessions with you when they come to the site. You will also be able to promote yourself on the platform to draw in potential clients.

Your clients are just that, "Your Clients."

You set the prices for your services. Your clients will pay you directly. If you get referrals from Imaging Coaching LLC, you will pay a 5% referral fee to Imaging Coaching LLC. If you get a referral from a team member, you and the team member will negotiate your own referral fees.


You must be an independent Life Coach

Be able to establish and maintain positive relationships with clients, providing excellent customer service and building a loyal client base.

Must specialize in a niche that is different from an Imaging Coaching team member (you will be the only coach who will be coaching your niche on the platform)

Apply Now !!! 


Select the coaching plan

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